One day trip to Mount Ba Vi last Sunday (26th December).
In winter, this mountain can be very foggy and birding impossible. Sunday, the weather was nice, cold for sure but no mist, and the 3 famous peaks were perfectly visible as the photo shows (foreground : Đồng Mô lake):
I focused on the degraded forest and thickets around the restaurant area. Surprisingly, I saw many interesting species that we encounter generally in good forest, mixed with birds of more open habitats and forest edges. Many fruiting trees yielded flocks of Thrushes and other good birds.
Highlights : 2 Tristram's Buntings, 1 male Fujian Niltava and 1 Chestnut Bulbul (hard to believe I know, but good views...)
- Thrushes : 1 Black-breasted, some Grey-backed and Scaly
- 1 Verditer Flycatcher- 1 Stripe-Tit Babbler
- 1 Oriental Turtle Dove- Flowerpeckers : 1 Scarlet-backed and 2 Fire-breasted feeding on the same fruiting tree
- very showy Orange-bellied Leafbirds, male singing and female- 1 Chestnut-flanked White-eye in a flock of Japanese ones.
- Sunbirds : 2 Crimson, 1 Fork-tailed- some Orange-flanked Bush Robins
- 1 Green Magpie sp

On the way back to Hanoi, I came across a flock of 20-30 Grey-capped Greenfinches at Đồng Mô lake, along the dyke (the northest one), feeding over grasslands grazed by cattle and perching sometimes on eucalyptus trees. Difficult to approach.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone !